油拔法的西方专家 Dr. Karach在一个国际医学会上发言,说曾经用这个方法治好了一个有 15年白血病历史的病人,也治好过一个已经没法正常走路的类风湿病人。
This is one of the baseless article that is surfing around the internet. Well I'm not going to argue much deeper into this as I find your so arrogant on your perception regarding this thing called "OIL PULLING". My mom had tough time fighting with arthritis for almost 5 years and no can doctor can cure without surgical intervention. She practiced oil pulling for about 3 months with virgin sesame oil and her pain in her knees reduced to about 80 % and she can walk a mile without complaining. I admit it that the pain has not gone as a whole but she had tremendous improvement on her arthritis. Oil pulling has even removed black pigmentation on her forehead and eye area. You need to understand the scientific reasoning behind oil pulling. When you consume anything from liquid to solid , the bacteria will stick onto them and enter your bloodstream.If your immunity is strong , then the body has capacity to fight them in order to keep you fit. Gradually the immunity decreases as you age and you will be victim of many diseases that your body parts cant fight. Oil pulling removes the bacteria from your mouth and thus prevents them from entering your bloodstream.When your body parts do their regular function rather fighting your consumed bacteria and this process is called detoxification. This is simple and effective with no side effects. My entire family practise oil pulling and we all benefit from this simple technique.
Your original post had nothing to do with the environmental or economic impact of the oil, but rather the legitimacy of the practice. As well as the assumption, you are better off eating it than oil pulling....do both on separate occasions. Hey, your loss, if you have a bucket of it, a tablespoon a day for better health is not a waste. Spend a hundred bucks a visit to the dentist to do what this relatively inexpensive practice does with a bit of effort each day, keeps them very clean,takes the tarter off your teeth and strengthens the gums.
Oh, and do a bit of research on apple cider vinegar for mouth care, that stuff will burn the enamel off your teeth in a hurry, if you do that everyday without heavily diluting it, those acids are very harsh, sure it will kill bacteria, but will also do damage. Also will erode the tissue of your gums. While oil pulling will strengthen and fortify both.
As for claims about cancer cures, I don't think that was ever on the table in the original practices, but a few outlandish claims should not discourage someone from trying this practice for better health, it is certainly not a wonder cure all, but improves some areas of health. Best of health to you
I had chronic halitosis until I started oil pulling with coconut oil. Emphasis on had. Will it cure every ailment known to man? No. But it did what no amount of tooth paste, mouth wash or floss could EVER do for my bad breathe. I don't even have morning breathe any more. Just saying....and it's not a "fad" if people have been doing it for centuries.
Recommended oils to use for oil pulling are sunflower and sesame oil, both of which have been found to be equally effective in healing diseases. Also mentioned are peanut oil and “distal oil”, the latter possibly being a mistranslation from the German Distelöl (safflower oil). Quote: “Other oils were not found to be as good/We have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SESAME may not be effective. Do not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils.” Apparently, a normal refined sunflower oil as found in supermarkets has proved to be effective in numerous people. But “Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD-PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL.”
Meh. All I know is that my teeth have gotten a lot whiter since I started doing it, and I haven't had a cavity in four years (and I used to get them all the time no matter what I did).
I've been doing it for 5 years. I moderately smoke everyday and drink coffee everyday. I get compliments on my white teeth and I haven't taken an allergy pill in 5 years. I used to have terrible allergies and now they are gone. I oil pull and occasionally phlegm comes up. I'm not gullible enough to believe oil pulling cures everything, but it often literally "pulls" phlegm out of my body. I'll continue to OP for the rest of my life. Try it!
I recently started oil pulling. I agree with the comment that it is not a cure all, that you need to change diet and drink great amount of water if you are seeking humongous change.
I personally have had a hard time getting my mouth Clean Enough in the morning. I wear braces, too, so I take care of my dental hygiene. In fact, I recently got my 6 month check up at dentist and he was impressed. (That was BEFORE I started Oil Pulling).
My tongue is cleaner, my teeth are smoother and I imagine the healing properties of the coconut oil working at the base of my teeth near my sensitive gums while teeth are shifting with the braces. I am an advocate of it and, truthfully, I was not liking the thought of holding oil in my mouth for 20 minutes until I tried it! It works for my purposes!
All of this is interesting, I live in the Uk and have been oil pulling since last May. I also upto until last November used to go to my dental clinic to get my teeth cleaned every 3 months. The first time i went after i started oil pulling, my hygienist noticed a huge difference and told me to continue what i was doing. The next three months she said there was nothing for her to clean and I did not need to book another appointment, unless there was any issue. I have noticed that it has stopped any potential colds in its tracks. The first symptoms of a cold/flu for me is sore throat. Everytime I feel like that I oil pull in the evening as well and feel good as gold in the morning. Its not a wonder cure but it has helped prevent niggling ailements I used to have before.
I can vouch that it does clear the sinuses. I have terrible sinus problems and haven't had them since oil pulling.
I've been oil pulling for nearly a year now. At first, I thought the problem would be time - "Really twenty - TWENTY minutes??" but it's like driving a new road for the first time. I have noticed less phlegm, and post-nasal drip is a thing of the past. I get much fewer colds. When exposed to sick people in enclosed spaces, like a doctor's office, I may get uncomfortable at the throat, but next day or so I'm as good as new. My gums used to bleed every once in a while - like when flossing without being extremely careful or trying to dislodge a bit of food -, and I haven't experienced this in months. My dentist has noticed a reduction in plaque. With the use of a good home-made toothpaste that doesn't contain baking soda, my mouth is fresh and feels clean all over. Goes without saying, works for me! I dispose of the oil in any piece of paper - like newspaper, a used napkin or paper towel - and just put it in the garbage, which - lucky for me - gets picked up every day.
Sorry, but as a person who has had many mouth problems (namely gingivitis/bad breath/sensitive teeth) I've tried every toothpaste, mouthwash, and ancient secret homemade remedy, and oil pulling with coconut oil has done what none other could. This is one of those cases where you can easily try it yourself as opposed to just researching what studies say it does and does not work, especially if you eat it yourself.
I'm not saying that the other remedies and such don't work for others, but people in my case, especially, it has worked the best.
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