Saturday, February 20, 2016

Gonzalez Therapy?

After being diagnosed with multiple myeloma, incurable cancer of the bone marrow, I declined conventional meds and followed the Gerson Therapy to the letter for two years; my disease worsened the first six months and held stable for the next 18. After two years of perfect compliance, I didn't feel good and my disease hadn't regressed so I started the Gonzalez Therapy which I learned about in Suzanne Somers' book Knockout. I learned the hard way that the Gerson Therapy is the antecedent to the Gonzalez Therapy and that the Gonzalez Therapy is much more effective. Dr. Gerson himself had about a 50% success rate and the doctors at the Gerson clinic in Mexico admit that their success doesn't come close to that of Dr. Gerson. Dr. Gonzlez, however, has a 70-80% success rate with his patients. One of the reasons Dr. Gonzalez is so much more successful is that he has a library of 90 diets and he believes everyone has different needs. Some patients need a plant based diet while others need need to eat red meat three times a day. I happen to fall in the middle and now consume red meat 4-5 times a week. After four months on the Gonzalez Therapy, I have more energy than I've had in years and, more importantly, my cancer is melting away! The other reason that Dr. Gonzalez' program is so much more effective is that his patients take large quantities of pancreatic enzymes which are a naturally targeted cancer killer.

I would encourage anyone considering the Gerson Therapy to also consider The Gonzalez Therapy [...]. I wish I'd known about it when I was first diagnosed.

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