Sunday, February 21, 2016

mixed review

I simply think that you are biased against change that may have a beneficial effect on those who desperately need it. Furthermore, there is a reason why they have fallen into the cancer trap. Within the scope of my family and friends, for the last 15 years or so, no less than 30 have contracted that dreadful disease. All but 4 died. The 4 that are still living, and 3 of them for many years now, have all cured themselves to complete health as no cancer ever was. The evidence is that all others were sucked in by the medical fascism to embark into their chemo and radiotherapies only to suffer, immediately after beginning the treatments, unspeakable trauma until they finally died prematurely due to the treatments themselves rather than due to their cancer. Of these, a few had remissioned only to succumb to cancer a few years later and suffer the treatments and die from them as well. They were told by their doctors that making any diet changes was not going to change anything. The 4 that beat their cancer to complete health; did not follow their doctors recommendations and went on strict vegetarian and vegan diets and mostly juicing and raw food diets. So if you insinuate that diet and life style changes is worthless and that only scientific methods are worthwhile, then chose for yourself when the time comes; but DO NOT DISCOURAGE THOSE WHO ARE WILLING TO MAKE THE CHANGES. In my surrounding, there is NO DOUBT whatsoever, even if no evidence have been recorded scientifically. Our modern sciences, especially medical/pharmaceutical, are corruptly biased towards profits rather than humanitarian.

You cannot have read the book title let alone the text, else your appalling ignorance has completely blinkered any understanding.
Go read Bill Henderson's book Cancer Free or better yet check out his web site - worked for me a fellow cancer patient who chose an alternative path.

I got the original version of this book when it was just an e-book and it cost almost nothing. All through it, Bill Henderson gave sources and stated over and over that he did not receive a single penny from promoting any of this. My husband used it and cured himself of non-Hodgkins lymphoma - which was caused from radiation treatments seven years prior. He is cancer free and it is his five year anniversary. I would highly recommend this book. If Mr Henderson has gone on to try to make some money, more power to him. Everyone has to earn a living.

My dear friend was a wholistic practitioner. She followed the teachings Ms Turner religiously to the exclusion of western medicine until the pain of her cancer became so unbearable she succumbed to hospice care for pain relief. She died a week later. This book is dangerous. Following the teachings of Ms Turner and rejecting western cancer treatments can and often will lead to death. Beware if you or a loved one believe these teachings will cure you. Be open minded and include western medical treatment. It will save your life.

Leo, you are absolutely correct. I've worked in cancer research for 12 years and this book is 98% nonsense. There is a good article called "survivorship bias" (google it) that explains why people fall for the kinds of scams these gurus utilize. Essentially, they get thousands of people to try their nonsense. Of those, a few might survive. They trumpet those few as "proof" that the pseudomedical nonsense works. That is the "survivorship bias". You only get to hear the testimonials of the survivors. What about the 99.9% who tried it and died? You don't get to hear about them. In real medical science, you have to hear about both. The scientific medical industry (vs the quackadoo medical industry) doesn't get to only tell the FDA about the survivors.

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